Why Battery Regeneration?

Every year, India discards thousands of metric tons of used lead acid batteries (ULAB) the average life of an acid battery is upto 05 years
The number of live batteries in use for Industrial & consumer applications could be in millions . Most of these batteries using acid could be harzadous to humans & environment around.

Battery Diagnostics & Regeneration
BDRC unit in Hyderabad

A process to bring back the lead batteries to full capacity through an electrochemical process. It prolongs the life of the battery, increases its efficiency while diminishing its functioning cost.
As everyone knows the capacity of batteries decline over time. After a few years, its only 25% of the original value. During the normal usage cycle, discharge – recharge, the chemical reaction inside the battery produces lead oxide and water. They provoke the progressive degeneration of the battery.
During the battery regeneration process, the lead particles migrate back to the surface of the electrodes. In turn this improves the loading process.
This regeneration not only doubles the life of the battery; it also has a positive influence on the performance of the equipment.
The technology in use is definitely not Chemistry. It’s a process whereby the batteries are treated with an electric pulsation system using specific frequencies. This leads to the full recovery of the active agents in the battery, turning them from Solid back to their original state. Regenerating your battery permits to recover the original capacity and to extend the life span from 100% to 150%.

.....More About Technology

At BDRC INDIA  (Battery Diagnostics & Research Center)
We help you with :
1.Curative Preventive Regeneration.
2. Voltage & Density Recovery
3. Discharge Analysis

Regenerate original capacity of your batteries & extend the life span from 100% to 150%.

• Traction batteries• Stationary batteries• Starting batteries • AGM Batteries• Batteries Gel• Open lead batteries 

Pallet trucks• Stackers•IC rucks • Lift Tables• Cleaning machines• Engins de nettoyage auto-portés• Electrical vehicles • Golf carts, tractors