Most of the Lead Acid Batteries , start losing capacity as they are built , from first operational year . By the 4th year they go out of order and have to be replaced
 Increasing electricity cost for charging after the 3rd year
*Production downtime
*Additional expenditure for new batteries

Sulphation Issue

The process known as sulphation - formation of lead sulphate crystals inside the battery and on the surface of electrode plates , and at the bottom of the battery, cause the gradual decline of capacity and thereby the performance and causing the battery to die.

Result of Regeneration

In a process known as "Reverse Sulphation ", using electric pulse and specific frequencies , break the lead sulphate crystals, recover the lead and sulphate to their respective elements and return the original battery condition & capacity. As good as new . Batteries with short circuit or physical damage cannot be regenerated

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Battery regeneration Process

Now in Hyderabad- India  Once regenerated your batteries regains their original capabilities. More advantages, less expensive. The technology is not using chemistry, intead the batteries are treated with an electric pulse system with specific frequencies, recovering the active agents, there by extending the battery life span from 100% to 150%.

Throughout the regeneration process the battery temperature is controlled by the regenerator. When Regeneration cycles are completed, the tests are performed again on the battery for to ensure the battery is functioning to specifications.

BDRC presents 

Winning Approach

Do not get rid of your batteries, they deserve regeneration.The Battery Plus technology relies on a very high intensity wave train with a low frequency. The electric wave then transforms into mechanical shock in the crystal chain which has the greatest electrical resistance of the system. The crystalline chain will resonate, deform and eventually burst to finally release active molecules previously blocked in solid form. The great chemical balances of origins are then found, as well as the performances of the battery.

Lets Work on an

A. The reconditioning regeneration Restore the original capacity to an old sulphated battery no longer holds the load. 
B. Regeneration of preventive maintenance Keep evenly battery production capacity to the maximum and make financial savings.

a SMALL VIDEO SHOWING effect of the regeneration by the Battery Plus regenerator method:

• very fine bubbles production
• in large quantity
• from top to bottom of the plates
reflecting the effectiveness and power of regeneration process even on big batteries with very high amperage.